Friday, January 14, 2011


suddenlly I became phones freak, I just wanna own every freaking nice phone that comes up!
like now I have my anaroid, my bb and a really nice samsung touch!!
it became my new obsession!
its not particullary healthy, but I dont know, its the yr 2010 till now that I have this obsession,
of course I have other phones too, but those are my latest...
LOL, like that word "latest"
anyways, its kind of creeping me out, and other people just die of jelousy!!!
lol but what can I do?

its how live work! some get the best, other just get jelouse;)

registering for collage!!!

This is such a troublesome thing!, I mean really!
in order to get into CBFS I have to first get my IELTS done.... even though I have started my CAT course and is nearly done with it!!!
but nooooo, first I have to do IELTS either do it in collage meaning I have to do part of foundation course which may take ages to do... or I could simply register for the exam through the British council, go for the exam, and have my results back in 11 days!!!
that is much better, then again I have to choose between acadamic and general english exam for the IELTS,
and since the acadamic is so freaking hard, I attend to do the general exam so I could get to collage!
and maybe some day in the future I would be smart enough to do the acadamic exam and pass it!!!
and did I mention that the registration for collage ends on the 26th of Jan. and my exam would either be on the 22nd or the 27th of Jan. so....
I would kinda be late, but again its not my fault that they want the IELTS score!
yup that's the journey of registering at CBFS!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


being in blog spot is kind of fun that people get to write about so many thing, including their feeling.
and having people understand them, without knowing who they really are in person....
some might know, but its kind of less embarressing and scary...
OMGD i feel cold but im excited writing my first blog ever!!!
so many things have been happening and i just cant wait to tell you'll

sooooooooooooooooo excited